… so we should do
Everything we can to
Give them the best
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With Digital engineering We can give our soldiers the best
Paper-based approaches to complex system design are no longer suitable. New ways of working must be found.
Digital models provide far more fidelity and flexibility during the design process and can reduce cost and time while also vastly improving the quality of the requirements.
We think the secret to their success lies in the earliest stages of their projects. Using a Digital Engineering Technique called “Concurrent Design” ESA brings end-users and capability developers into the same room together (see image below) in a set of facilitated sessions to ensure that what will be purchased from industry truly meets the needs of the users. With Concurrent Design, ESA is able to reduce costs of the early stages of projects by 50%, accelerate RFP development by a factor of four and reduce engineering changes after contract award by over 30%. If these metrics sound interesting to you, please contact us to find out how we can help you implement Concurrent Design in your organization.
This photo shows a Concurrent Design session taking place at the European Space Agency. Contact us at InnoVet to find out more about how such a facility and set of processes can help your organization accelerate and de-risk complex projects.